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Dr. Ramona Brown Books and NANA Curriculum

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Dr. Ramona C. Brown was the Executive Pastor of New Beginnings Cathedral.  She serves alongside her husband Apostle Lewis F. Brown Sr.  She is the founder of Naked and Not Ashamed (NANA) a ministry designed to bring Intervention and education to the community of the effects of abuse.  She overcame being a victim of physical and sexual abuse to bring health and healing to the victims of abuse and their families.  Ramona received her doctoral degree from the Minnesota Graduate School of Theology.  She has authored many other books and continues to have passion to bring healing to the hearts of those who suffer abuse.  Ramona has enjoyed over 35 + years of outreach ministry in the community and is looking forward to many more years to share how the power of God has and is healing her life.  Dr. Brown welcomes everyone to these bible class sessions.

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