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Life Development Training

One of the ways to understand more about yourself and help you to uncover your life purpose is to do a snapshot of last year’s activities. Remember in the seasons of life we see these three things; activities, events, and fruit. This review will help you purposefully think about the answers, challenges, favors, questions, releases, success, and struggles you’ve had from last year. This will help jog your memory so you can begin to improve and prepare for a stronger and better year for your future. If you are interested in joining us for virtual training on Life Development inbox me or email me at

Leaving a legacy of victorious living even in the face of challenges, loss, obstacles, and struggles, is what our children and youth must see us do. They also must see us demonstrate these qualities "Living Vivaciously Insync with God, Carrying Truth with Optimism and Resilience." You will be blessed and grow in your seasons of life during this training. When we become a voice of healthiness, peace, and truth we position ourselves to truly become change agents in our environment affecting everyone we come in contact with and around our lives. 

NANA Naked and Not Ashamed



"The Ramona Brown Story"

Purchase a copy of my book

today for the special price of $8.00.

This inspirational story will encourage

you as you see the transformation and its all because of the power of truth!

 "The Ramona Brown Story"

Contact me at 720 971-6377

NANA - Healthy Living

P.O. Box 462042

Aurora, CO 80046


"Healthy for Life"

The information that you will read is from research and experience about the connection between abuse, high risk behaviors, how traumatic memories are stored and what can be started to bring healthy thoughts after trauma. We will also discuss the role of our temperament, personality and the brain; ending the curriculum with how to activate new healthy principles to change toxic memories and behaviors. To purchase your copy go to:


New Books Published by Dr. Ramona Brown

Forums, Workshops and Training

The Naked & Not Ashamed conference and production help to expose the stronghold of guilt and shame in the lives of victims who have been perpetrated. We will equip victims of these serious offenses by giving them tools and principals on how to live a life free from unforgiveness, anger, shame, guilt, and condemnation.  

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If you want to purchase the book go to and the bookstore and type in the title or click the link above

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